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Ghavami Plastic Surgery

What Can Fat Transfer Do for Your Face?

Fat Transfer In Beverly HillsWho doesn’t want a younger looking face? While there are many options for tightening the skin and minimizing wrinkles, not many procedures can add volume back to the face. Many people still turn to dermal fillers to plump and rehydrate the skin, but a growing number of patients have discovered the benefits of fat grafting to achieve fuller facial features that can last indefinitely.

Fat transfer borrows fat from an area of the body where fat is in excess and then implants those fat cells into another area that can benefit from a boost in volume. This is particularly useful for rejuvenating areas of the face. Here, Dr. Ashkan Ghavami discusses some of the positive changes possible with fat transfer.

Add Fullness to the Cheeks

Large, voluminous cheeks are a prominent feature of many young faces. With age, the fat pads that give the cheeks their shape can sink lower on the face, creating a sunken appearance. Fat transfer is a way to restore “baby fat” for a round, appealing midface. 

Smooth the Skin Under the Eyes

Fat just beneath the eyes is also prone to drooping with age. This is part of the reason that people develop “bags” (or hollow faces) that make the face look older and tired. By adding fat to this region, Dr. Ghavami can help his patients to look refreshed.

Reduce Deep Lines

While everyone has lines and creases on the face, such as the nasolabial folds that extend from the lower nose to the corner of the mouths, these lines inevitably become more prominent as the face loses volume. By adding fat to this area, creases are either eliminated or shallower, so they are no longer such a prominent feature.

Augment the Lips

Dermal filler injections are not the only way to enlarge the lips. Some patients use real fat to achieve a fuller or poutier look. Dr. Ghavami can more effectively maintain symmetry and achieve a specific size and shape when he molds fat cells. 

Strengthening the Chin

Patients with a weak (recessed) chin may wish to give their jawline definition by extending the face with fat. Having extra fat in this region can also pull the skin tighter, helping to negate the appearance of jowls that form with age.

Learn More About Facial Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a highly effective way to add youthful contours back to your face in a way that both looks and feels natural. If you could benefit from having some extra volume in your face and would like to discuss the procedure in more detail with Dr. Ghavami in Beverly Hills, please schedule a consultation by calling (310) 275-1959.


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