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Sculpting a Well-Defined “Snatched” Jawline

As we enter the new Roaring Twenties, angles and razor-sharp lines are in, soft plump curves are out — at least when it comes to the jawline.

The so-called “snatched” jawline began as a trend on social media, and continues to soar higher on the cosmetic wish list of many clients. Using both invasive and noninvasive techniques, trusted Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami is skilled in crafting a strong, sleek jawline that can boost your presence and self-confidence.

A Variety of Effective Solutions

There is no one procedure that will create this sought-after profile. Depending on your own preferences and the degree of sag or drooping you are experiencing under the chin, along the jaw and on the upper portion of the neck, there are myriad options to consider.

Modest changes can often be made with dermal fillers, a quick and convenient choice, although also a temporary one. These injectables fill lines and hollows, build volume and often stimulate collagen production.

When injections of dermal fillers are not enough, fat transfer may be appropriate. This technique harvests excess fat from elsewhere in the body and transplants small amounts into target areas to build volume. Most of the fat cells that are implanted this way will become a permanent part of the subdermal jawline; and that is one reason the skill of your plastic surgeon is so important. Imprecise injections can result in lumps and pockets of fat that can be hard to reverse.

Additional surgical tools available to plastic surgeons include cheek implants, buccal fat pad reduction, liposuction under the chin to the neckline, and neck platysmaplasty, or neck lift. Neck lift improves the contour of the jawline by tightening neck skin and underlying muscles. The procedure is particularly effective at countering the dreaded “turkey wattle.” A variation of this, cervicoplasty, improves the appearance of the neck by tightening only the skin.

To learn more about ways to improve the appearance of the jawline, neck or loose skin under the chin, schedule a consultation with experienced Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami by calling (310) 275-1959 or emailing Ghavami Plastic Surgery today.


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