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Ghavami Plastic Surgery

Category: Non-Surgical

Feel Confident With Your Appearance on Social Media in 2023 with Top Cosmetic Treatments

Posted on March 14, 2023 by

Improve Social Media - Cosmetic Treatments

Social media has changed the landscape of beauty. Many people want to improve their appearance without using filters on Instagram and other platforms for a natural-looking glow on and off the screen. Ghavami Plastic Surgery can enhance your complexion to improve your everyday appearance and social media presence by using non-surgical treatments to address your troublesome areas. Enjoy a more vibrant appearance in 2023 with these non-surgical treatments. 

Posted in Non-Surgical

Introducing MOXI and BBL Laser for Acne, Unwanted Hair and Skin Discoloration

Posted on July 29, 2022 by

MOXI and BBL Laser for Acne Beverly Hills

Ghavami Plastic Surgery now offers MOXI and BBL HERO gentle laser resurfacing for a spectrum of skin concerns and skin types. Young people can enjoy “prejuvenation” with MOXI to correct early signs of skin damage and aging, and BBL HERO provides remarkable improvements for spots, discoloration and a host of conditions. Dr. Ashkan Ghavami prides himself on using the latest technologies to achieve stunning results for his high-profile patients, including Kim Kardashian, who has experienced the benefits of MOXI and BBL HERO firsthand.

Posted in Celebrity Plastic Surgery, Non-Surgical

Non-Surgical Ways to Restore a Youthful Glow

Posted on January 8, 2022 by

Facial Fillers and Laser Treatment in Beverly Hills, CA

The aging process can start as early as your mid-20s when your body starts creating less and less collagen. Collagen is one of the proteins in your skin responsible for a youthful glow. There are many ways to restore a younger complexion that don’t involve invasive procedures. At Ghavami Plastic Surgery, we offer various non-surgical options to improve your facial appearance. 

Posted in Non-Surgical

Beyond Fillers: Upper Lip Lifts

Posted on May 17, 2020 by

As we age, it is common to gain volume in areas of the body where it is least welcome, such as the hips and abdomen. With the lips, the opposite is true. Lips lose their fullness and “pout” as the skin sags and loses collagen, the natural protein that keeps our facial features looking smooth and vibrant. How much and how fast this occurs depends in part on environment and lifestyle, but mostly genetics.

Dermal fillers have become increasingly popular as a convenient way to add fullness to lips and erase wrinkles near the mouth. Dermal fillers require just a few office visits, or sometimes a single injection session. For many clients, experienced Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami recommends a permanent solution: upper lip lift. Here, Dr. Ghavami explains the benefits of lip lift, along with other effective options.

Posted in Injectables, Non-Surgical, Plastic Surgery

Sculpting a Well-Defined “Snatched” Jawline

Posted on May 10, 2020 by

As we enter the new Roaring Twenties, angles and razor-sharp lines are in, soft plump curves are out — at least when it comes to the jawline.

The so-called “snatched” jawline began as a trend on social media, and continues to soar higher on the cosmetic wish list of many clients. Using both invasive and noninvasive techniques, trusted Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami is skilled in crafting a strong, sleek jawline that can boost your presence and self-confidence.

Posted in Injectables, Non-Surgical, Plastic Surgery

Say Goodbye to Facetune and Photoshop

Posted on December 15, 2019 by

Lewis Carroll would have loved the Internet. After all, it’s a looking-glass world where nothing is quite what it seems; a magical wonderland filled with curious characters and vivid, unexplored landscapes. Watching the colorful pageantry pass by on a smartphone screen, it’s often hard to believe your eyes.

Popular software programs like Facetune and Photoshop make it even harder to separate truth from illusion. A 21st-century version of the Cheshire Cat wouldn’t bother with the old disappearing trick to draw attention; he’d simply turn on Facebook filters.

Posted in Injectables, Non-Surgical, Plastic Surgery

Can I Remove Fat Without Surgery?

Posted on September 24, 2018 by

Are you embarrassed by bulges of fat that don’t seem to disappear no matter how much you diet and exercise? Do you wish to slim down but are not fond of the idea of having to go under the knife? If so, you’re not alone. Top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon specialist Dr. Ashkan Ghavami regularly meets with men and women who want more attractive body contours but are not ready to undergo surgery. Dr. Ghavami is pleased to tell these patients about CoolSculpting, the first FDA-approved non-surgical treatment that uses fat freezing technology to permanently destroy fat cells. CoolSculpting is safe and effective. Thousands of patients have been able to enjoy the slimming benefits of this innovative fat reduction treatment.

Learn more about CoolSculpting in this blog post.

Posted in CoolSculpting, Non-Surgical

How to Get Beautiful, Lifted Cheeks with Dermal Fillers

Posted on July 14, 2018 by

High cheekbones are an indication of youthful beauty. Unfortunately, over time, the face loses volume and bone density decreases, and the skin droops, causing a wrinkled, sunken and flattened cheek appearance.

Dermal fillers are a quick and effective way to restore lost volume to the cheeks.  When injected properly, dermal fillers can result in lifted cheeks and a more balanced overall facial appearance.

In this blog post, Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Ashkan Ghavami explains how he uses dermal fillers to create beautifully sculpted and lifted cheeks.

Posted in Non-Surgical

Enhancing Your Buttocks with Sculptra

Posted on May 13, 2018 by

According to recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the number of butt enhancement procedures performed each year is rapidly increasing. Brazilian butt lift, which uses a patient’s surplus fat to enhance the shape and size of the buttocks, rose 13 percent in 2017, outpacing butt implant procedures. But while fat transfer and implants continue to be the go-to methods for achieving a shapelier and more attractive buttocks, there is another option that has garnered a lot of attention lately. Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid based injectable that, when injected into the buttocks, can add shape and volume to the buttocks. Dr. Ashkan Ghavami, a renowned plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, specializes in enhancing the buttocks with both Sculptra and fat transfer. In this blog post, he discusses when butt enhancement with Sculptra is appropriate.

Posted in Non-Surgical


Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Patient in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient

Beverly Hills Cosmetic Facial Treatment Patient

Actual Patient

Rhinoplasty Patient of Ghavami Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient

Rhinoplasty Beverly Hills Patient

Actual Patient

Patient of Ghavami Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgery Patient of Ghavami Plastic Surgery

Actual Patient

Plastic Surgery Patient of Dr. Ashkan Ghavami in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient

Dr. Ashkan Ghavami Patient

Actual Patient

Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation patient of Dr. Ashkan Ghavami

Actual Patient