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Category: Dr. Ghavami

Just in Time for S S S Summer…Transform Your Body With The New S-Curve Buttock Lift®

Posted on June 23, 2010 by

June 16, 2010-Beverly Hills, CA-With the summer fast approaching, all eyes are on shapely bodies. Timeless beauty and Hollywood glamour has long been associated with curves, made famous by the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. Now, Dr. Ashkan Ghavami, board certified Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, has pioneered a procedure that will give every woman of every size the ultimate curves: The S-Curve Buttock Lift®!

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Breast Augmentation: What Everyone Should Know

Posted on May 7, 2010 by

Breast Enhancement and Shaping procedures require expertise and good judgment by your surgeon.

Breast augmentation is a very delicate operation just like many in plastic surgery.

Right now it is a buyer-be-ware market in plastic surgery.  There are many discount clinics and sometimes the surgeon’s judgment may not be at its best in these situations.  Patients need to research their surgeon very carefully and ask a lot of questions.  Your surgeon should be truthful about your specific breast and body type and what size and shape implant is BEST for you.   Time needs to be taken during your plastic surgery consultation to explain all your options to you.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Ethnic Nose Jobs: The History of Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Posted on April 11, 2010 by

In Beverly Hills, I see noses of all ethnic origins.  These range from Persian (Iranian Rhinoplasty), Hispanic, and African-American to Israeli, Arab, and Asian.  Rhinoplasty is in and of itself a unique operation. Every nose should be tailored for only that person. No two people should have the same nasal shaping performed.  With the variousethnicities in Los Angeles, this is even more important. This makes the operation of nose jobs even more challenging, yet always fun and exciting.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Celebrity Plastic Surgery News: Demi Moore Speaks Out in Elle UK April 2010.

Posted on April 11, 2010 by

For a recent Elle UK interview, Demi Moore addressed her beauty obsessions and compulsiveness to maintain her beauty as she ages.   have long been frequent fliers when it comes to plastic surgery.  However, is it really that important for us to know their “secrets”.  I have to say, that when I found out that John Wayne had eyelid rejuvenation and perhaps a facelift, and Marilyn Monroe had chin augmentation, I wish I hadn’t. There are countless celebrities that have had cosmetic surgical enhancements.  I can say that it is perhaps the minority that do not at least get some form of fillers or Botox, chemical peels or lasering.  However, Demi Moore has always been a “true beauty.”  Whether she did or did not have plastic surgery, she is still a “true beauty.”  If someone goes and gets their hair straightened or hair dyed, does this mean they are not a real beauty?

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

‘Ethnic Rhinoplasty’ Popular Gift for Persian New Year

Posted on March 22, 2010 by

Dr. Ghavami performs ethnic rhinoplasty on a direct descendant of the Qajar Persian royal dynasty. Dr. Ghavami has written textbook chapters and professional essays on the difference between ‘ethnic’ rhinoplasties and the ‘regular’ nose job, and is considered an expert in the field.

Find the link to the entire article from the “In the media” page.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Dr. Ghavami at the 27th Annual Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium

Posted on March 1, 2010 by

Dr. Ashkan Ghavami will be serving as faculty for the 27th Annual Dallas Rhinoplasty Symposium. Surgeons from all around the world visit Dallas every March to learn the latest in nose surgery concepts and techniques. This starts with an anatomy lab where surgeons are taught how to do open rhinoplasty and shape the nose and nasal tip. This is followed by two and a half days of lectures and videos on rhinoplasty techniques. The fact that this is one of the most highly attended meetings on nose surgery even after 27 years, shows how challenging and specialized nose surgery is. It is important that your surgeon understands the art and science of natural rhinoplasty.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Dr. Ashkan Ghavami to appear on Tyra Show tomorrow, March 2nd, 2010!

Posted on March 1, 2010 by

Ashkan Ghavami, MD, a board certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA will be discussing an interesting patient story which requires breast augmentation, breast implants, and a breast lift. This patient has survived a devastating gunshot wound to the breast while she had her breast implant still in. The impact of the bullet fragments may have been slowed down by the implant! Had the breast implant not been in her body, she may not have survived because the bullet could have gone deeper into the heart and/or lungs! Dr. Ghavami plans to do the reconstruction with a pro bono surgeon’s fee (gratis) and implants generously donated by the Mentor Corp. Lifecell will be donating the Strattice which is a sheet of engineered tissue designed to hammock breast implants and to camouflage holes and contour deformities. This is a remarkable story of survival and plastic surgery. To read more, please visit our media page.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami

Tips about Buttock Surgery

Posted on February 24, 2010 by

Buttock Augmentation using fat transfer is a highly specialized procedure that demands a very artistic eye. Your surgeon should know how your buttock should be shaped to enhance your curves and optimize your waist to hip ratio. The entire body silhouette can change dramatically. The fat WILL LAST LONGTERM as long as your surgeon uses gentle and proven techniques to handle the fat. There are specific massage techniques that Dr. Ghavami will show you, that help sculpt your buttock into a beautiful shape. Because fat is used from your own body, the results are natural and feel as though you never had surgery and that you were born with that buttock shape! Please review our photo gallery to see before and after photos of this life-changing surgery. Remember that buttock shaping can be combined with a tummy tuck and other surgery to dramatically improve the shape of your entire body.

Posted in Dr. Ghavami


Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation Patient in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient

Beverly Hills Cosmetic Facial Treatment Patient

Actual Patient

Rhinoplasty Patient of Ghavami Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills

Actual Patient